835 acres in Gillespie County, Texas
Property Details
- County: Gillespie
- Address: 989 Willie Road
- Zip: 77803
- Type: Farms, Ranches
- City: Stonewall
- Acres: 835
- State/Zip: Texas 77803
- Status: Sold
Property Description
Location: 2 Lakes Ranch is located in Southeastern Gillespie County. Its 23 miles East/Southeast of Fredericksburg, 68 miles from San Antonio, and 66 miles from Austin.
Description: 2LR is long and narrow, think tomahawk. Its approximately 2.5 miles long and 1600 wide. The ranch has a good mix of open improved pasture, meadows, and dense cover. There is a moderate to high amount of old-growth cedar (Ashe Juniper) even though a lot of it has been removed. The remaining vegetation consists of a variety of desirable hardwoods such as Cedar Elms, Live, Post and Red Oaks. Ranch road are good to fair and allow access to the bulk of the property. Large herds of free roaming Axis deer and an abundance of Rio Grande turkey call 2LR home. The standard mix of Hill Country wildlife is present as well.
Water: The most impressive attributes of the ranch are the two large conservation lakes. They were constructed in the late 1960s to prevent future flooding and are maintained and managed by the Gillespie County Water Control Improvement District. The Northernmost lake, Soil Service Conservation Site #1 Reservoir, is 42 surface acres when full (at the time of this writing the water level is approximately 35 surface acres). 2LR has 1700 of shoreline on the banks of this lake. There are two other landowners that have shoreline and access to the lake, as well. The Southernmost lake, Soil Service Conservation Site #2 Reservoir, encompasses 28 acres when full (at the time of this writing the water level of this lake is approximately 15 surface acres). Its shoreline is shared by only one other landowner and approximately 1600 of shoreline belong to the subject property. Additional information on the lakes is on file and can be provided upon request.
Access: The ranch is accessed via deeded easement along Willie Road. The seller has a proposed 60 right-of-way letter of intent from a neighbor to allow for owned access to the current seller and another neighbor from both of their properties to Schumann Road (public).
Improvements: The ranch is completely perimeter fenced and is in good condition. The east side of the ranch is high-fenced. There are no other improvements. The ranch does not currently have electric service, but it is located close to several different spots along the perimeter fence lines.
- Haynes_Aerial_081314-1.pdf
- Haynes_Loc_081314-1.pdf
- Haynes_Topo_081314.pdf
- SurveyPlat.pdf
- WmCreekWatershedProject-1.pdf
Property Map / Directions
From US 290 near Stonewall, take Ranch Road 1623 South to Albert, Texas. Turn left on Willie Road (Private Road). Showings by appointment only.